Sunday, December 29, 2019

Main Causes Of The Global Financial Crisis Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1553 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? To understand the main causes of global financial crisis of this decade we need to first understand few characteristics of Globalization mentioned below To economically boost international trade, capital flows and global financial systems. To increase the number of multi-national corporations to increase global economy. To rapidly foster technological development and to boost outsourcing activities. To ease communications and lead access to Trans border data. (Web 1) There were many causes for the current Global financial Crisis. SECURITISATION AND REAL ESTATE The credit crunch or the financial crisis started when the US government started lending loans at cheaper interest rates to people like sub-prime brokers who usually are not eligible to get loans. The loans in-turn were securitized or converted to investments. Securitization involves turning an asset, such as mortgages or credit card debt, into a financial instrument that can be traded. Regular house-holds had now turned to be investors and security issuers, which in turn led to a very complex trading system. This complex system was lucrative only initially and was highly instable which led to the downfall of financial institutions. (Gerald F. Davis (2009), These securitized products were combined with other collaterals to attract more investors which gave a perception of mitigating risk at very low interest rates; however unfortunately interest rates rose steadily and this lead the sub-prime brokers to default. This was the prime reason where the financial downfall started. All the financial institutions were under serious monetary deadlock, because in the first place when borrowers defaulted, they were not able to pay back the principal amount, forget interest on principal. At the same time the housing and real-estate industry was on a boom. Borrowers who wished to purchase home were easily given loans. Massive residential re-construction took place, however borrowers as mentioned started to default and were unable to re-pay their debts and defaulted. (Web 2) The above two factors were mainly responsible for the financial crisis, or rather led to fuel and ignite the recent credit crunch. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Main Causes Of The Global Financial Crisis Finance Essay" essay for you Create order BANKING AND SAVINGS The banking sector also played a significant role in the financial crisis, with corporate and investment banking, bringing both significant profits but ultimately also bringing billions of pounds in toxic debt and trillions in banking bailouts around the world.( ACCA Global- Web 3). This strategy adopted by the retail banking activities to reap more profits by providing loans to people with low creditability (low credit-score), which proved to be a costly affair to the banks when customers defaulted. The UK and US markets is largely relying on consumption (personal debt) with very low savings and huge debts. Considering the current financial turmoil, savings has become a distant dream and people are currently become debtors because of their ways of expenditure. (Web 3) Thus the retail bankers gave consumers a dream of luxurious life-style by offering them loans which were been utilized and got converted to bad debts. GOVERNANCE and LENDING According to Suetin. A (2009) ineffective corporate governance is also a major factor for the financial crisis. The organizations have forgotten and not taken a responsibility to protect their share-holders because of the lack of governing body for organizations. Lending from the financial institutions have now stopped lending to other banks which has led to the credit-markets to disintegrate, which in turn has led share-holders the lack of confidence to invest and since investors seem disinterested to buy shares, the share-market has dropped significantly. Suetin. A(2009) RISING OIL AND COMMODITY PRICES is also a major factor for the current financial crisis. According to Sarkar, Mitali (2009) the rising oil and commodity prices which have led to inflation and low consumer spending is also a major factor for the global financial crisis. Borrowers became defaulters because of all these above mentioned factors joining hands at the same time, worsening time and again, and one fact or adding woes to another by effecting borrower at the same time. STEPS THAT UK GOVERNMENT CAN TAKE TO REDUCE FINANCIAL CRISIS: The financial crisis can also be described as a combination of banking, debt and currency crisis. ADPOTING EUROS One of the method UK government could take to reduce the financial crisis is by adopting Euros. Euros when it was launched across Europe it was just 0.6 the value of pound, however it came close to equaling pound as illustrated in the graph below. The reason behind the loss in value of pound was due to the lack of confidence by the investors in the GBP due to the recession. (Web 4) EURO/ GBP Graph since January 1999 Source- (Web 5) BAIL-OUTS According to Davis, G. F. (2009) UK government has invested billions of dollars of pounds to bail-out banks that have faced financial crisis. The UK government also lifted guarantee for deposits considerably to  £100,000. Even after major bail-out packages to the crisis financial banks and organization seems to have been of less significance. FINANCIAL SERVICES BILL (UK treasury) The Government of U.K introduced the financial Services Bill and the Bill includes the below mentioned reforms as per Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling said to editors and press- Consumers will have powers to challenge the banks with the help of a consumer governing financial body and will also get privilege to free money guidance services. Firms should develop living wills by understanding the risks involved during financial crisis to make sure they can sustain future crisis. Human Resource will be ensured that the bonus and pay does not exceed the limits which are a high risk for the companys P AND L. Financial Services Authority will be empowered and a new governing body called Council for financial stability will be created to regulate financial institutions. (Web 6) CONSUMER EXPENDITURE, TAXATION and BUDGET According to Bell, Geoffrey L. (1968) UK government have taken stringent steps by tightening hire purchase controls and restricting bank lending and the Govemment also withdrew the Selective Employment Tax premiums paid to manufacturers and increased Corporation Tax.By exercising effective controls on financial institutions government is trying to mitigate the risk by implementing the above mentioned steps. Increasing tax has also become a positive aspect to generate revenues for government but it has negative feedback from organizations. The total effect of the Budget is estimated to raise revenue by about $2 billion, equivalent to 7% of total revenues. (Bell, Geoffrey L (1968). Hence all these factors to a certain extent imposed by the UK government have been effective. REGULATION OF NON-BANKS According to Butler, Patrick(2009) Government of UK is trying to regulate the non-banks through a phenomenon called shadow banking for institutions such as hedge funds, private-equity funds and insurance companies, To save tax-payers money it is necessary to have necessary regulations in place and initiate shadow banking, however this practice is still not been implemented because of the complex mechanisms of these institutions. Conclusion The 2007-2009 crises can be described as the worst-ever financial crisis in both modern and pre-modern times. The impact of the crisis is many fold as compared to the Great Depression of 1930s. Just because globalization is an emerging phenomenon and all the financial institutions want to make the most out of the globalization to reap huge profits, organizations and borrowers became equally responsible for the crises as discussed. Because of the lack of credibility to re-pay by borrowers and due to the generosity of lenders to lend money led to the financial crises and many more factors followed as discussed. The government of UK has provided bail-out packages, passed the budget and financial bill and much more to evade and get out of the crises, but it seems a huge task to get things back to normal. The questions to be asked is will the lenders become more sensible, so will the borrowers?. Will people start saving money rather than disinvesting and becoming bankrupt? Will there be reforms by government and measures to control any future crises?. All one can hope in the present scenario is to slowly and steadily get out of the crises and start thinking of efficient methods to avoid any future crises. REFERENCES Bell, Geoffrey L. Economic Conditions in the United Kingdom, Today and Tomorrow. Financial Analysts Journal 24, no. 4 (July 1968): 147-150. Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed February 16, 2010). Butler, Patrick. Learning from financial regulations mistakes. McKinsey Quarterly no. 3 (September 2009): 68-74. Business Source Premier, EBSCO host (accessed February 16, 2010). Davis, G. F. (2009). Managed by the markets: How financer-shaped America. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. Gerald F. Davis (2009), The Rise and Fall of Finance and the End of the Society of Organizations, Academy of Management Perspectives, Volume 23, Number 3, pp. 27 44. Suetin, A. Causes of the Current Financial Crisis. Problems of Economic Transition 52, no. 3 (July 2009): 44-58. Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed February 16, 2010). Sarkar, Mitali. Financial Crises and Economic Recession. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers 34, no. 3 (July 2009): 117-130. Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed February 16, 2010). Globalization characteristics available online from WEB 1- WEB 2- WEB 3- WEB 4 -UK: Will the weak Sterling rescue the British economy,2664.pdf WEB 5- WEB 6 - -Newspaper Press Article.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Factors In Health Care Organizations That Affect Patient Safety. How

Essays on Factors In Health Care Organizations That Affect Patient Safety. How Is The Human Factor Revelant To Article Factors in Health Care Organizations that Affect Patient Safety. How is The Human Factor Relevant to Patient Safety. of Factorsin Health Care Organizations that Affect Patient Safety. How is The Human Factor Relevant to Patient Safety.NameName of Institution Factors in Health Care Organizations that Affect Patient Safety. How is The Human Factor Relevant to Patient Safety? Patient safety is paramount to any hospital and health care worker. The health care workers take an oath that provides a promise to protect the sanctity of life. The factors that are paramount to patient safety all revolve around the medical personnel. This paper narrows down to the Human factors in patient safety. The organizational managerial procedures influence the human factor in terms of safety culture. The management has the task to cultivate this culture by giving questioner surveys to patients to monitor their staff (World Health Organization, 2009, p. 12). The leadership style that encourage patient saf ety, many hospitals its only doctors that are allowed to prescribe and the nurses effect the prescription. The structures of communication in the hospital on patient safety are essential in this case. The patient progress is noted down to encourage informed prescriptions. Team work is a human factor that is key to patient safety. It ranges from shifts that work in words to the team of experts in the theater room. The patient safety is guaranteed by team work tools like objective briefing for a particular team and management attitude tools as ORMAQ (World Health Organization, 2009, p. 25). Individual personalities play a big role in patient safety. Many refer to the medical field as a calling profession. This implies that the management should foster the care and concern attitude among its staff. Situation awareness and decision making skills are essential to ensure patient safety when the medical machines fail. The health workers should be in a position to monitor what is happeni ng and what to expect. In conclusion all these factors play a big role in patient safety. Fatigue management techniques are also essential to ensure that the patient well being is safe. ReferencesWorld Health Organization. (2009). Human Factors in Patient SafetyReview of Topics and Tools:Report for Methods and Measures Working Group of WHO Patient Safety April 2009. New York: World Health Organization.

Friday, December 13, 2019

History of Chess Free Essays

The precursors of chess originated in India during the Gupta Empire,[2][3][4][5] where its early form in the 6th century was known as chatura? ga, which translates as â€Å"four divisions (of the military)†: infantry, cavalry, elephantry, and chariotry, represented by the pieces that would evolve into the modern pawn, knight, bishop, and rook, respectively. [6] Chess was introduced to Persia from India and became a part of the princely or courtly education of Persian nobility. 7] In Sassanid Persia around 600 the name became chatrang, which subsequently evolved to shatranj, due to Arab Muslim’s lack of ch and ng native sounds,[8] and the rules were developed further. We will write a custom essay sample on History of Chess or any similar topic only for you Order Now Players started calling â€Å"Shah! † (Persian for â€Å"King! â€Å") when attacking the opponent’s king, and â€Å"Shah Mat! † (Persian for â€Å"the king is helpless† – see checkmate) when the king was attacked and could not escape from attack. These exclamations persisted in chess as it traveled to other lands. The game was taken up by the Muslim world after the Islamic conquest of Persia, with the pieces largely keeping their Persian names. The Moors of North Africa rendered Persian â€Å"shatranj† as sha? erej, which gave rise to the Spanish acedrex, axedrez and ajedrez; in Portuguese it became xadrez, and in Greek zatrikion, but in the rest of Europe it was replaced by versions of the Persian shah (â€Å"king†). Thus, the game came to be called ludus scacchorum or scacc(h)i in Latin, scacchi in Italian, escacs in Catalan, echecs in French (Old French eschecs); schaken in Dutch, Schach in German, szachy in Polish, sahs in Latvian, skak in Danish, sjakk in Norwegian, schack in Swedish, sakki in Finnish, sah in South Slavic languages, sakk in Hungarian and sah in Romanian; there are two theories about why this change happened: 1. From the exclamation â€Å"check† or â€Å"checkmate† as it was pronounced in various languages. 2. From the first chessmen known of in Western Europe (except Iberia and Greece) being ornamental chess kings brought in as curios by Muslim traders. The Mongols call the game shatar, and in Ethiopia it is called senterej, both evidently derived from shatranj. Chess spread directly from the Middle East to Russia, where chess became known as (shakhmaty, treated as a plural). The game reached Western Europe and Russia by at least three routes, the earliest being in the 9th century. By the year 1000 it had spread throughout Europe. [9] Introduced into the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors in the 10th century, it was described in a famous 13th century manuscript covering shatranj, backgammon and dice named the Libro de los juegos. Chess spread throughout the world and many variants of the game soon began taking shape. [10] Buddhist pilgrims, Silk Road traders and others carried it to the Far East where it was transformed and assimilated into a game often played on the intersection of the lines of the board rather than within the squares. [10][11] Chaturanga reached Europe through Persia, the Byzantine empire and the expanding Arabian empire. 12] Muslims carried chess to North Africa, Sicily, and Iberia by the 10th century. [10] The game was developed extensively in Europe, and by the late 15th century, it had survived a series of prohibitions and Christian Church sanctions to almost take the shape of the modern game. [13] Modern history saw reliable reference works,[14] competitive chess tournaments[15] and exciting new variants which added to th e game’s popularity,[15] further bolstered by reliable timing mechanisms (first introduced in 1861), effective rules[15] and charismatic players. [16] How to cite History of Chess, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business Impact Analysis-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about Business Impact Analysis. Answer: Definition of Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Business Impact Analysis is an organised process through which a situation is analysed and evaluated where a crucial business function is interrupted due to any emergency, accident or natural disaster (Jarvelainen 2013). Definition of Business Continuity Plan (BCP) The purpose of a Business Continuity Plan is to create a plan of action by identifying threats and risks confronted by an organisation. This is done to ensure the security of assets and employees of the company so that they are functional even in the face of any crisis (Snedaker 2013). Relation between BIA and BCP In the event of any disaster, a company creates an organised strategy to identify the threats and risks faced by it that can damage the company assets or employees and interrupt their functionality. This is known as Business Continuity Plan (BCP) that not only identifies the issues but also finds possible remedies to ensure the protection of the assets as well as personnel and continuity of their function (Torabi, Soufi and Sahebjamnia 2014). In case, the BCP fails to safeguard the interest of the company and a crucial function of the company is interrupted; the company analyses and evaluates the situation through an organised process to resolve the issue as soon as possible. This process is known as Business Impact Analysis (BIA). Business Function Table Business Functions Qualitative Business Impact Value IT systems, applications and resources affected. Recovery Time Objective (RTO) Internal and external voice communication with customers in real time. Major Applications 1 day Internal and external email communication with customers via store and forward messaging. Minor IT systems and Applications 1 day Domain Name Server (DNS) for internal and external Internet protocol (IP) communications. Minor IT systems 1 day Internet connectivity for email, store, and forward customer service. Major IT systems 1 hour Self-service website for customer access to information and personal account information. Minor IT systems and Applications 1 day e-Commerce site for online customer purchases or scheduling 24x7x365. Critical IT systems and Applications 1 hour Payroll and human resources for employees. Critical Resources 1 day Real-time customer service via Web site, e-mail or telephone requires customer relationship management (CRM). Major IT systems and Resources 1 hour Network Management and technical support. Major Resources 1 hour Marketing and events. Major Resources 1 week Sales orders or customer/student registration. Minor Applications and Resources 1 day Remote branch office sales-order entry to headquarters. Major Resources 1week Voice and email communications to remote branches. None IT systems and Applications 1 day Accounting and finance support: Accounts payable, Accounts Receivable, etc. Major IT systems and Applications 1 hour Table 1: Business Function Table Source: (Nielsen and Denmark 2013 References Jrvelinen, J., 2013. IT incidents and business impacts: Validating a framework for continuity management in information systems. International journal of information management, 33(3), pp.583-590. Nielsen, P.B. and Denmark, S., 2013. Measuring International Organisation of Enterprises and Sourcing of Business Functions. In International Statistical Institute: Proceedings of the 2013 World Statistics Congress. Snedaker, S., 2013. Business continuity and disaster recovery planning for IT professionals. Newnes. Torabi, S.A., Soufi, H.R. and Sahebjamnia, N., 2014. A new framework for business impact analysis in business continuity management (with a case study). Safety Science, 68, pp.309-323.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Complete List of History Research Paper Topics

History is everywhere. Everything has a past in this life. Every continent, every country, every religion, every nation, and every tribe have some history attached to their name and passed down the generations to preserve it. This makes selecting one topic out of the many possible choices much harder, especially when you are looking to impress the teacher. Helpful Tips on How to Select the Best History Research Paper Topic? So how do you make up your mind on what to write about? With the many available options, you can easily get stuck. Here are some tips that will help you sort out the great from the good and average ones. Interest and Passion Select a topic that can sustain your interest over the long haul. Research can consume a lot of your valuable time and resources, and your interest in the topic will push you to do more and help you to complete the paper. Â  Choose a familiar topic It is easy to write about something that is already familiar to you because you will know where to look for information and the writing process will be faster and easier. Select a topic you have enough sources of information on Do not tie yourself down to a topic without evaluating the resources available. Research requires primary sources of information, which can be hard to come by. Primary sources include speeches, photographs, newspapers, interviews, diaries, memoirs, and autobiographies. Remember, you cannot rely on secondary sources alone. The amount of information you have on a topic determines the direction your paper will take. Do not be too obvious When selecting a good topic, avoid topics that have been overdone by other students before you. Your teacher can help you identify which ones. Alternatively, you can make common research topics not seem common by changing the focus points. For example, when you want to select a topic like the Civil War, provide a unique twist to it like Was slavery the only cause of the Civil War? Keep it manageable The majority of history topics are too big to exhaust in a few pages. This may require you to narrow down your topic to a realistic size. To do this, you may make use of the classic 5-W strategy. This means answering the questions of who, what, where, when, and why. An example: What? The Industrial Revolution. Where? In America. When? The year 1790. Why? To boost production and economy. You may not need to use all of them, but they can help you narrow down a broad topic. Be flexible As you begin the research process, you may find yourself needing to broaden or narrow down your research depending on the results you find. You may even need to change some aspects of your topic to ones that you find more interesting or manageable. You just have to go with your gut on this. Interesting History Research Paper Topics to Choose From Here is a sample of awesome topics to choose from. They should give you a rough idea of what you should be looking for in a topic. Note that these topics denote ideas for the focus of the research paper but are not thesis statements. American Revolution: What factors contributed to an American victory? Slavery: What was its impact on the economy of the South? What were its effects on African American families? The Industrial Revolution in your country and the world Native Americans: Impact of European colonization on Native Americans. Key people in American history: Choose an individual (a President, First Lady, the leader of a movement) and state their contribution to the United States Aztec Empire and its architecture Factors that initiated WWII Magna Carta: How it changed England What is the connection between the two World Wars? Margaret Thatcher as the First Female Prime Minister of Britain The rise and fall of Adolf Hitler Austria’s Struggle for Independence. The life and career of Sir Winston Churchill The impact of Martin Luther King’s speech on the civil rights movement Vietnam War. How the U.S got involved Vietnam War: Its causes and consequences Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s: Evaluate the tactics and accomplishments Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The effects of the Atom bomb The Salem Witch trials: What were the causes? Battle of Hastings and its role in the history of England The Civil War. What issues caused the conflict between the South and the North? Women in the Civil War. What contributions did they make? The Underground Railroad: What were the methods used? What was its impact on ending Slavery? Japan-Russia War. An overview The Russian Revolution: People and places The assassination of Abraham Lincoln. What did Booth and his co-conspirators hope to achieve? How did Lincoln’s assassination impact the reconstruction of the nation after the Civil War? Spanish-American War. What were the effects? The Arab-Israel War. Causes and effects The colonization of America British colonialism in India The French Revolution. The establishment of the principles of democracy in France The trading routes of the Renaissance period The Cold War. Its causes and effects Nuremberg Trials The most prominent queens of ancient Egypt. The political power of the Pope in the Middle Ages The causes of the Irish potato famine Mahatma Gandhi and The Salt March Now that you have an idea of what is expected, you can select an excellent history research topic. Remember that human history is abundant in curious events, and surprisingly, not all of them have been explored. Are you in Need of Expert Writing Help? Get it Here In case you need a customized history research paper, our team of writers is here to help. We deliver quality work to our customers so that you can get that good grade you are aiming for. Our experts can also provide revisions for your research papers to ensure that you submit quality work.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free MCSE Practice Test 70-290

Free MCSE Practice Test 70-290 Read the question and then click on the checkbox that contains the correct answer. Some questions may have multiple answers, in which case you can place a check in the box next to each correct answer. The small field to the immediate right of the question will display Yes if you are correct or No  if you have selected the wrong answer. Click on the Explanation button to find out more about the answer. This is really helpful if you get the answer wrong because it can give you more detail on what the answer pertains to. Therefore, this isnt just a test, necessarily, but also a type of study guide. Choosing the Next Question   button lets you move through the MCSE Practice test. There is a poll and additional MCSE resources on the final page of the MCSE Practice test, so be sure to follow through with all the questions.   Your answers are not graded, so you cant see which topics you struggled with. Therefore, keep track of the difficult ones yourself so you can read up on where you need to improve. Good luck! More Information on the MCSE Test According to Microsoft, the MCSE 70-290 test examines your skills when it comes to managing and maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment. These are the main topics discussed in the  test: Create and manage user, group, and computer accountsManage file and share permissionsHelp control Web server access and manage sites with Internet Information Services (IIS)Manage hardware devices, disk storage, software, and print servicesImplement backup procedures and perform system recovery The link at the top of this page is for a free MCSE 70-290 test, but some study material comes at a cost. This may be a good thing if youve exhausted all the free study tests you can find because the ones that cost are typically full of lots of useful information.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Compare the education between Saudi Arabia and United state Essay - 1

Compare the education between Saudi Arabia and United state - Essay Example The research will aim at bringing into focus thoseelements that the educational system in Saudi Arabia can learn from the United States of America. Saudi Arabia and the United States have been allies for a very long time. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is growing and aims to be among the top developed nations of the world. USA, on the other hand, is the most developed country. There are also some similarities and differences between the educational systems in the two countries. But when it comes to the infrastructure, syllabus, course curriculum and its teaching methods, and the quality of education USA will be found to be better than in Saudi Arabia. Thus for this research paper, the problem statement can be stated as â€Å"the educational system in Saudi Arabia is not competent enough like the educational system in USA† The paper will be discussing the importance of education in general in the initial phase to realize its significance in society. This section will discuss the importance of the educational institutions in disbursing proper education. After that two segments will briefly discuss the crux and mechanics of the education system prevailing in the two nations which help us in creating a sense of differentiation and similarity between the two systems. The differences will be then thoroughly discussed and areas will be unfurled where the essence of educational system of USA can be implemented in Saudi. Research also identified that USA is facing some crisis and that will be discussed in the subsequent section. After that a brief literature survey will be executed to gain stronger foothold over the subject matter and validating the problem statement and reaching the aim and objectives of the paper. Education has been considered as an important part in the human society since the development of the civilized world. Human societies across many ages put their interests in the quality of education. The importance of education must not be

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Compare and Contrast Research Methods (case study with other five Essay

Compare and Contrast Research Methods (case study with other five methods ) - Essay Example A case study further aims at understanding characteristics of the studied subject for generalization to a larger population and has been used to develop theories such as developmental theories among children. Its ‘generalizability’ is based on the assumption that an explored case is similar to other cases and gathered information is the same as what would be observed in the other cases (Zucker, 2009; Crowe et al, 2011). Some of the features of case study that distinguishes it from other research methods are its specialization in a unit for study and a comprehensive study of such a unit. The method is also strictly qualitative and focuses on causal effect relationships. It is also largely dependent on a researcher’s rationale as opposed to observed features of the studied elements. Case studies also exist in different types such as snapshot case studies, and longitudinal case studies, a feature that allows for freedom in the research method It offers a number of advantages such as flexibility, ability to infer observations to other cases, and ‘relatability’ in cases where results cannot be inferred. It is similarly able to study small units such as an individual effectively. The case study has however been associated with external validity challenges due to its usual small sample size. Its implementation follows the traditional approach of preliminary considerations, data collect ion, analysis, interpretation, and communication of the interpreted results. Case study can be applied in studying management styles, and their prospects, as used by an institution (Crowe et al, 2011; Roberts, n.d.). Case study was for example used in the research to investigate ICT-enabled government models in European cities (Jrc, 2010). The focus group is another qualitative approach to research in which participants are organized in defined groups to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Discussion question week 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion question week 4 - Essay Example rkable example of a company that has experienced that, and discussing the differences of domestic and global marketing strategies (Adamson et al, 2007). A brand is a figure of the features that makes a product exceptional. Every business has its brand. Various businesses attempt, but several fail at building a winning brand. When a company notices that its sales are flagging, it blames it on the brand. The shift of focus has moved from the product-blame to the brand-blame, thus relating to the manner the buyer’s conduct transforms (Ries et al. 2002). Branding is a more effective method of selling products; thus entirely fine products can be unsuccessful because of poor branding. Branding increases the returns but also intensifies the risks. The emotional ties developed by customers and brands ought not to be broken as messing with them results in irreparable damage. A brand acquires strength though the market constantly remains subtle. Coca-Cola ranks top of the list as the most identified brand with a sale of almost 1 billion drinks each day. However, when Coca-Cola stopped the distribution of the original Coca-Cola drink, i t replaced it with the New Coke drink to match up the competition posed by Pepsi-Cola. New Coke hardly made any sales as the consumers rebelled against it (Gobe, 2010). Coca-Cola learnt the hard way that marketing is more than the product. It had simply focused on the taste factor when it was strategizing to build on its product, in the process missing its major brand property, which is originality. Coca-Cola had been the only product in the market ever since its foundation, with the brand name becoming product’s name as well/ Coca-Cola majorly capitalized on its original status in the various promotional campaigns (Cross Cultural Blunders). The launch of New Coke was a contradiction to the marketing efforts by Coca-Cola. It was very misguided confining the brand’s importance to a question of taste. The representation was more important

Friday, November 15, 2019

An Overview Of Violence In Stadiums

An Overview Of Violence In Stadiums As mentioned before, there is a long history with violence inside football and inside football stadiums. The first reports of violence go back to 1660, where the there where the first attempts to control the sport in England and Scotland, where largely ineffective and bans were issued (Dunning 1986). Throughout the seventeenth-century we find reports of several hundred football players and fans destroying drainage and causing mayhem in the town and by the eighteenth-century, the game took on a more overt political significance (Marples 1954). But the first reports of real ‘hooliganism came from the 1960s where 25 incidents of disorderly behaviour by spectators per season where reported to the FA (Football Association England). According to the Chester report of 1966, incidences of football violence doubled in the first five years of the 1960s compared to the previous 25 years (Carnibella 1996). So from then supporter violence became a large problem, yet it escalated during the 80s. They began to form organized groups that became the hooligans of that club. Members of such groups e.g. of the self-styled Inter City Firm at West Ham, the Service Crew at Leeds, and the comparable groups at clubs like Newcastle United and Chelsea often support extreme right wing, racist organizations such as the British Movement and the National Front. They have also developed quite sophisticated forms of organization and become nationally known. One of their main distinguishing marks is the fact that they do not travel to matches on football specials and official coaches but tend, instead, to use regular rail and coach services or cars and hired vans. They also eschew the forms of dress the scarves and favours (and also the club banners) that still tend to be widely associated with football hooliganism in popular opinion. One of their main objectives in attending matches is to confront and fight opposing fans and to take their end (Dunning 2009). They tried to prevent and counter this problem by increasing the measures inside the stadium. The visiting (or ‘away) fans were invariably herded into grounds via separate turnstiles and into areas where they were segregated from the home support. These isolationist operations were often emphasised by a line of police officers separating the home and away fans in a sort of â€Å"no mans land† and by the high metal fences which surrounded these fan pens, an attempt to prevent fans from spilling onto the football pitch itself. The police have also been commonly used at the turnstile. Traditionally, this has been a law-enforcement role, with the emphasis on preventing illegal entry into the ground, enforcing exclusion orders and searching supporters for weapons and other prohibited articles. (P. Harrison, 1974) Unfortunately this didnt prevent all the violence. The most notoriously violence initiated by English football hooligans was in Heysel stadium in Belgium in 1985 resulted in chaos and death of 39 persons. But it was not only with English football supporters. A lot of countries had these serious crowd violence and also in Argentina (1986, 74 death), Brazil(1982, 3 death) , Colombia(1982, 22 death), Peru (1964, 278 death), and USSR (1982, 69 death) where this large violence escalations (Williams et al. 1989). These are just a few examples of the big violence problems in football that leaded to death. It is really only after 1985 (after the Heysel Stadium tragedy) that a concerted effort has been made to establish cross-border cooperation in Europe between both police forces and football authorities to combat football hooliganism. The impact of the Heysel Stadium tragedy was such that three major European bodies addressed the issue of football violence. Firstly, the Council of Europe adopted the European Convention on Spectator Violence and misbehaviour at Sports Events, which proposed that measures should be taken to prevent and punish violent behaviour in sport. Secondly, the European Council called on all member countries to deal with violence in and around sports stadia and, finally, The European Parliament proposed a number of different measures to combat football hooliganism (Carnibella 1996). The final report was published in January 1990 and included praise from Lord Taylor regarding the response of clubs to the recommendations contained within the Interim report. The report emphasised the lack of communication between the fans and the football authorities, criticising, in particular, the lack of facilities for supporters at football grounds and the poor condition of football grounds. In total, the final report contained seventy-six recommendations, of which the main ones were: These measures that were taken by the governments let to a decrease of violence inside the stadiums. In Italy the incidents related to league matches in Serie A and B decreased from 73 incidents in 686 matches (10,6%) in 1990-91 to 23 incidents in 686 matches (3,6%) in 1997-98 (Stadio/Corriere dello Sport). But did these decreases in violence in stadium and related to the football matches lead to a decrease in football hooliganism? The decreases in the number of incidents in Italy lead to the questions whether the hooliganism in football was declining. But Roversi noted that the real fall in violent incidents should not lead us to underestimate a shift of the incidents towards the minor football divisions and the high amount of violence occurring in stadiums in South Italy. Most importantly, we must not undervalue what appears as a brand new element in these last years, namely the very large number of incidents involving ultras (Italian hooligans) and police. The reference is not to episodes where the police intervene in order to prevent the fight between two rival factions, but to the direct fights between ultras and the police. Between February 1995 and the present day, there have been 28 such incidents out of a total of 82 recorded for the two top divisions alone. In other words, relations between ultras and police have notably worsened over the last few years (Roversi 2000). These shift to lower league games was not the only shift that occurred in Italy. A significant increase in violence outside the stadium, including pitched battles between rival groups of fans in the streets; .ambushes. at railway stations, in car parks and bus-terminals; acts of petty theft and vandalism and frequent clashes with the police (Carnibella,1996). But not only in Italy has this shift of the incidents seemed to occur. Also in England there was is a large problem with violence in other places. The measures from the FA (English Football Association) and the governments apparatuses of social control have contributed greatly to a fundamental spatial realignment of football hooliganism as the phenomenon has gradually moved from the central, core place (the football ground) towards more peripheral settings. In its most instrumental manifestation, fan violence may be relocated to the purely functional, ‘non-places of our supermodern societies, that have no symbolic relationship to the specific football games or the teams that contest them (Auge 1997).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Humorous Wedding Roast to a Groom Who is a Sports Fan :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Humorous Wedding Speech to a Groom Who is a Sports Fan Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Rick and I'm Tim's oldest friend. I'm also a complete novice at public speaking and have this overwhelming urge to prove it to you today. I'd like to start off by saying that in marrying Rhonda this afternoon, Tim really has made the ultimate sacrifice. Not only has he given up his status as a single man, he has actually had to miss a pre-season game. And no Tim, I'm not going to cut this speech short so you can get back for the second half. Still, at least we're not missing the first game of the season. I am sure you will all agree that this has turned out to be a fabulous wedding celebration so far. Rhonda, you really do look beautiful in that dress and I could see Tim swelling with pride as you walked down the aisle earlier today. Now, as I said, I'm Tim's oldest friend. We are exceptionally close and very alike. In fact, friends used to comment that we were identical in appearance, interests and personality. So let me remind you, ladies and gentlemen, that Tim is a stunning individual oozing charisma and intelligence. So, starting from the very beginning, Tim was born in Portsmouth on the 6th January 1976. I did try to link this with some big world event but it seems that nothing else happened that day †¦ the day that the staff at Portsmouth Royal Infirmary still refer to as ‘Monkey Birth Tuesday’. It may surprise you to know that, as a youngster, Tim was a superb football player and if it wasn't for pubs opening all day he may very well have turned professional. For two seasons I played along side Tim in defense for our local village side. He got me into the team and on my first game, said: ‘OK, Jason - here's how this works. You do all the heading and tackling and, when you get the ball, give it to me, I'll take it up the field and score.’ Tim finished up top scorer that season, netting twice as many as our centre forward. But we finished bottom of the league and conceded an average of eight goals a game. We once lost a game 22-1, and guess who scored our goal.