Thursday, February 27, 2020

Business plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business plan - Coursework Example We believe eating sensibly, combined with appropriate exercise, is the best solution for a healthy lifestyle. WAITER ON WHEELS serves a wide range of quality foods that can easily fit into individual diet needs based on the principles of balance, variety and moderation. Our varied menu makes it easy to fit our food into a balanced diet. The purpose to start this service is to serve people of new era with a different and the most competitive style. The prime purpose is to generate profit by providing superb customer services. We aim to be the leader in providing quality food items that fit into a balanced diet. Our aim is to provide the hygienic and delicious tastes that the customers have never tasted before. We want to add convenience in the lives of food lovers by providing them the most wonderful dining experience, The effect of our products on the health and well being of our customers, the high quality of attitude, fairness, understanding and generosity between management, staff and customers. Awareness of all these factors and the responsible actions that result will give our efforts a sense of purpose and meaning beyond our basic financial goals. Businesses don’t change for the sake of change, businesses generally change because the consumer either asks or forces them to change.   It is not the industry that is forcing change; it is you as consumers.   Customer solution means the solutions to their needs and wants. For this it is necessary to first identify the needs and wants of the customer. This can be related with the product of the 4p’s i.e. we should offer the customer with the product that he needs. In our project we identified the customer want that they want hygienic food with delivery. So we offered them our food delivery service. We should place the product in a way that is convenient to the customer to buy. As we are also delivering our food so we are providing the service of delivering food at

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Common History of oppression of people of African descent and Research Paper

Common History of oppression of people of African descent and indigenous peoples in the United States and South Africa - Research Paper Example Black South Africans faced much discrimination against them during the colonial period whose effects can be felt to this day. The period of apartheid was characterized by the racial segregation of the majority Africans by the government. The apartheid period lasted for forty-six years (1948-1994) and during this time, many sufferings were incurred on the part of the majority African inhabitants. This research paper will primarily look at the crimes and violations committed, harms caused to the majority south Africans, the setbacks that can still be felt, the losses suffered and finally clearly lay out the reasons why the black Africans in south Africa should be compensated. Apartheid simply meant separation. It was more concern with putting apart the white and the black inhabitants. It can be seen that the separation had always existed in South Africa. This is evident in the 1913 Land Act, which suggested the separation of living areas for both whites and blacks (Lötter 21). The black inhabitants were forced to move to reserves while the whites were left to dominate and control all the available resources. In 1948, apartheid intensified after the white dominated Afrikaner National Party (ANP) won the elections.The goal of this separation was not only to separate Africans from the whites but also to separate Africans from one another by dividing them within their ethnic lines so that they could their political power. The inhabitants were separated into four groups, the majority blacks, whites, the colored people and Indians. The colored were a mixed race, which sometimes saw families being separated as parents could be classified as white while chil dren were seen as non-whites, therefore, alienated. 80% of the land was given to the whites while the other majority races only occupied the remaining 20% (Lötter 14). To further emphasize on separation, the government made sure that the whites had separate and better public facilities apart from