Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Conceptual Skills free essay sample

Conceptual skill Modern management has been trend globalization and improve constantly. A manager’s job is complex and a range of skills are used by different level management. Although some management theorists propose a long list of skills, the necessary skills for managing a department or an organization can be summarised in just three categories: conceptual ,human and technical (Katz,1974) . The application of three skills changes as managers move up in the organization. Although the degree of each skill necessary at different levels of an organization may vary, all managers must possess skills in each of these important areas to perform effectively. The purpose of this essay is to clearly show that the importance of conceptual skills that managers are required to demonstrate. It will also look at how conceptual skill can contribute towards enhancing manager’s performance and success. PetertonFleet (2004, P. 1300) defines conceptual skills as‘the ability to see the organization as a whole or to have a systemic viewpoint. We will write a custom essay sample on Conceptual Skills or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It also includes the ability to analyze a situation and distinguish between cause and effect. Conceptual skills are often gained through formal education, reflection, and experience (Jones George, 2009). While technical skills focus on things and human skills focus on people, conceptual skills focus on ideas and concepts (yukl. 2002). According to Katz, these skills extend to visualizing the relationship of the firm to the external environment. Katz 1995 argue conceptual skill involves the manager’s thinking, make decision and planning abilities. It also involves understanding where the sector fits into the whole organization and how the organization fits into the variates areas. It means the ability to ‘think strategically’ – to take the broad, long -term view. Conceptual skills are need by all managers, but are especially important for managers at the top. They must know the significant elements in any situation. The success of any decision depends on the conceptual skill of the people who make the decision and those who put it in action. Katz1955). The famous consulting company in the world-The Rand Corp: per 100 large enterprises closed down in the world, 85% of them because of the manager made a wrong decision. Thus this can be seen, the manager’s decision is significant to the enterprise development. Conceptual skill approach emphasize that good administrators are not born, they need study, experiences in the future. However, its success must necessarily relay on the abilities of the superior to help the underling. Levinson, 1988) managers need have ability of conceder the overall situation and recognize why that thing does. Effective collaboration across variety sectors of enterprise not only depends on conceptual skill of managers, but also business style and the direction of development depend on the conceptual skills. ( katz,1955) For example, a company in the industry sitting higher, more complex problems faced by them, more uncertainty surrounding environment more need conceptual skills. Nowadays, variety professionals develop and change quickly. IT industry is a model of uncertainly production. Managers cannot see chances and threaten easily. So, the conceptual skill is signalising to the IT leading enterprise. The good conceptual help large company connect cooperative partner and give play to impact. Because a company’s over-all success is dependent on its executives’ conceptual skill in establishing and carrying out policy decisions, this skill is the unifying, coordinating ingredient of the administrative process, and of undeniable over-all importance. (katz. 995). This case illustrate the conceptual skill is how important in management . It can decide the success or fail of the company. In conclusion, the purpose of this essay has been to show that conceptual skill is significant in the administration. At the top, conceptual skill becomes the most important of all for successful administration. If a top manager possesses the conceptual skills, she /he have an ability to manage the whole company and make it success. So conceptual skills are really necessary to the top manager. Every top magger should possess it and through study and practice improve these skills. Certainly, conceptual skill only is a part of management skills. Every part is important to the management. The top managers also need possess and understand other skills. Every part try their best do every things, the company will success. Reference lists: Yukl, G. (2002), Leadership in Organizations, 5th ed. , Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Katz, R. L. (1974), Skills of an effective administrator, Harvard Business Review, Vol. Peterson, TOFleet, DDV2004, the ongoing legacy of R. L. Katz: an updated. Typology of management skills’, Management Decision, vol. 42, No. 10. P. 1297-1308. Katz, R. L. (1955). Skills of an Effective Administrator. Harvard Business Review Jones, G. R. , George, J. M. (2009). Contemporary Management. New York: McGuire- Hill. Levin son, H. (1988). Designing and managing your career: â€Å"the three essential skills of an effective manager† library of congress cataloguing-in-publication, America.

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